Who's Calling - Employee Recordings
Adam from Preston Run (October 2015 meeting)
Nathan from Westshore Colony (November 2015 meeting)

Good Aspects
  • Pushes off the initial price question to begin engaging with the prospect.
  • Makes the call a friendly conversation and reinforces the prospect’s hot points to help assure the prospect the community can meet her needs.
  • Obtains the prospect’s price range before discussing the community’s prices.
Areas for Improvement
  • Create better urgency by limiting the choices of apartments.
  • Encourage the prospect to tour and apply online to get on the wait list.

Push play to listen to Adam's Call.

Good Aspects
  • Starts with a simple ice breaker upon the prospect’s first question and begins engaging well with the prospect.
  • Instead of giving the square footage initially, Nathan paints a picture of a spacious apartment and that the area is utilized well.
  • Prospect sounds like a driver initially, but Nathan’s questions get the prospect talking about himself and his needs.
  • Pushes urgency at the end of the call and encourages an online application.
  • Does get the prospect to agree to come out to tour the community.
Areas for Improvement
  • Should have gotten the prospect’s price range before giving out the community’s prices.

Push play to listen to Nathan's Call.

Laura from Orchard Village (December 2015 meeting)
Dayna from Reserve @ Harpers Point (January 2016 Meeting)

Good Aspects
  • Great ice breaker asking the prospect about her apartment search so far.
  • Engages well with the prospect and hits hot points well to make it feel like a natural conversation.
  • Handles the price question well by getting more information from the prospect, obtaining her price range first, and assuring her they can meet her price point.
  • Gets the appointment, contact information, and mentions to apply online before coming into the office.
Areas for Improvement
  • Occasionally talks over the prospect (could be a delay in the phone line though).
  • Could have gotten information on where the prospect works.

Push play to listen to Laura's Call.

Good Aspects
  • Starts with a good ice breaker.
  • Engages very well with the prospect and seems to put her at ease during the conversation.
  • Gets the tour early in the call and has the prospect come in that afternoon.
  • No discussion of price.
  • Drills down to get the accurate source.
Areas for Improvement
  • Once Dayna gets the tour, she could have gotten some basic information from the prospect and wrapped up the phone call.

Push play to listen to Dayna's Call.

Mia from Mission Hills (April 2016 Meeting)
Becca from Carrington Park (May 2016 Meeting)

Good Aspects
  • Opens with a good ice breaker that gets the prospect talking.
  • Asks great engaging questions and helps narrow down the choices for the prospect.
  • Assures the prospect that the apartment will stay within their price range without giving specific prices.
  • Encourages a tour and directs the prospect to the website.
  • Does stress urgency by mentioning limited availability.
Areas for Improvement
  • Could have had the prospect fill out an online application to have everything ready when she tours the community.

Push play to listen to Mia's Call.

Good Aspects
  • Deters from the initial price question and uses a great ice breaker.
  • Engages very well with the prospect and hits the caller’s hot points.
  • Has a very friendly conversation with the prospect, doesn’t feel like a staged call.
  • Stresses urgency with very limited availability in the area.
  • Encourages the prospect to pre-apply with an online application.

Push play to listen to Becca's Call.

Andi from Terraces at Forest Springs (June 2016 Meeting)
Allison from Whispering Hills (August 2016 Meeting)

Good Aspects
  • Works will with the mom even though she is calling for her daughter.
  • Gets the price range and tries to build up the community and apartment before giving the prospect the price.
  • Does not directly say the area is “safe” but instead describes how great the area/neighborhood is and mentions a gated community.
  • Accommodates the prospect’s schedule to make sure she can make it in for a tour.
Areas for Improvement
  • Stress more urgency.
  • Could have offered to send additional information through email and encouraged an online application to help quicken the process.

Push play to listen to Andi's Call.

Good Aspects
  • Uses a good ice breaker to get the prospect talking.
  • Engages well with the prospect and reinforces her hot points to get her excited about the community and apartment.
  • Gets the prospect to setup a tour so she can see the community and apartments.
  • Directs the prospect to the website and provides a link to fill out an online application because of limited availability.
Areas for Improvement
  • Does not need to give the exact price since the price she initially mentioned fits within the prospect’s budget.

Push play to listen to Allison's Call.

Kevin from Preston Run (September 2016 Meeting)
Mia from Lugano at Cherry Creek(October 2017 Meeting)

Good Aspects
  • Deters from the initial price question to get the prospect’s needs and wants.
  • Engages very well and makes it feel like a natural conversation.
  • Creates great urgency, offers temporary hold, and encourages the online application.
  • Reassures the prospect about leasing site unseen and sells the 30 Day Guarantee.
  • Didn’t force getting the additional contact information until towards the end of the call.

Push play to listen to Kevin's Call.

  Good Aspects
  • Agent used an excellent ice breaker to allow prospect to open up about search.
  • Caller said he read reviews, saw photos, and did research putting community on short list to call.
  • Important to note to make sure properties encourage positive online reviews and respond to ALL of them.
  • Also, communities need to make sure online information is correct and high quality.
  • Agent creates urgency throughout the phone call.
  • Agent compliments caller on how in-tuned he is on apartment search.
  • Agent knows area very help, which helps fill in information prospect does not have yet.

Areas for Improvement

  • Agent may not have needed to give out exact pricing.

Push play to listen to Mia'S Call.

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